First Dates: Make It Quick or Keep it Going?

It is often said that first impressions are everything when it comes to dating. Therefore, the length of a first date can be an important factor in setting the tone for a potential relationship. But how long should a first date last?

In this article, we will explore the various factors to consider when determining the appropriate duration for a first date. We will also discuss some tips and tricks to help make sure your date goes smoothly no matter what its length may be.

Setting an Appropriate Length

Setting an appropriate length for a date is important to ensure that both parties have an enjoyable experience. A date should be long enough to allow the two participants to get to know each other, but not so long that either person begins to feel uncomfortable or bored.

The amount of time needed for a successful date largely depends on how well the two individuals interact and how much they have in common. Generally, a first date should not last more than one or two hours. This allows the couple to spend some quality time together without feeling overly pressured by the situation.

If it seems like they are getting along well and conversation is flowing naturally, then it can be extended further if desired.

Benefits of Longer Dates

The benefits of longer dates are numerous. For starters, they give couples the opportunity to get to know each other in a deeper and more meaningful way. Longer dates allow for conversations that range from lighthearted topics to serious ones, as well as the chance to share personal stories and experiences.

This helps build trust and connection between two people, which is an essential element of any successful relationship.

Longer dates can help ease some of the pressure that comes with dating.


When it comes to the length of a first date, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on how well you and your date get along, and what kind of activities you choose to do.

That being said, DateMyAge can help you make sure that your first date doesn’t end up lasting too long or too short.

DateMyAge is a dating app that allows users to select their desired age range for potential partners.


OneBBW is a great dating website for plus-sized singles looking for love and companionship. When it comes to first dates, OneBBW makes it easy to set the perfect length of time.

They offer advice on how long first dates should be based on the type of date, such as whether you are meeting someone for dinner or drinks, or doing an outdoor activity. Generally speaking, they recommend keeping first dates between one and two hours so that both parties have enough time to get to know each other without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.


FetLife is a great dating site for those looking to find someone with similar interests and fetishes. The site offers a wide variety of options for users when it comes to setting up their profiles, making it easy to find someone who shares your interests. When it comes to how long a first date should be, FetLife allows users to decide what works best for them.

You can arrange a quick meetup or take the time to get familiar with someone before meeting in person. It’s really up to you and whatever feels right at the time.

Downsides of Longer Dates

One of the major downsides of longer dates is the potential for awkwardness. When meeting someone new, it can be difficult to keep conversations going, and this difficulty only increases with more time spent together. If there are long pauses or uncomfortable silences during a date, it can make things very awkward and the date may end on an unpleasant note.

Another downside of longer dates just hook up is that they can become too intense if one person starts to feel more strongly than the other. This intensity can lead to expectations that may not be realistic or make either party feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed.

Tips for Keeping the Date Moving

1. Ask Relevant click for more Questions: Asking your date relevant questions will help keep the conversation going.

Think of some topics that interest you both, or ask open-ended questions about their life and interests.

This can help to create a natural flow in the conversation and avoid awkward silences.

Show Interest: Showing an active interest in what your date is saying helps to keep the conversation moving. Listen closely and give them time to answer any questions that you have asked before launching into another topic or question.

What is the ideal length of a first date to ensure that both parties have enough time to get to know each other?

The ideal length of a first date will depend on the preferences and comfort levels of both parties, as well as what sort of activities they have planned. Generally speaking, it’s best to keep a first date short and sweet so that there is time to get to know one another without feeling overwhelmed or pressured. Most experts suggest setting aside at least 1-2 hours for a first date, which should be enough time for conversation and getting to know each other better.

What factors might influence the length of a first date, such as location, age, or purpose?

The length of a first date is determined by many factors, such as the location, age of those involved, and purpose. Location can play a big role in the length of a first date; for example, if you are meeting at a local coffee shop or restaurant it may be easier to limit the time spent together compared to going on an adventure or attending an event together.

How can you make sure that your first date isn’t too long or too short for either person?

A first date should be just long enough to get to know each other, but not too long that it becomes uncomfortable or tedious. It’s a good idea to plan out an activity or two so you have something to do and can easily fill up the time. You can also agree on a time limit beforehand, such as 2 hours maximum, so you both know what to expect and can make sure it doesn’t drag on too much.